May 25, 2012

Child Molestation
The above link got me thinking .................................

Several years ago, there were two families, Family A and Family B as depicted above.   The parents of both families were working class and had to leave the children with Child minders cum House helps. However, the minders never stayed for long due to one issue or another. It got to a point where the parents had to resort to leaving the children from both families under the care of the eldest girl of Family B who was aged 12 . The agreement was that parents of Family A would pick their kids in the evening from Family B’s home.
The children got introduced to Pornography. It just showed on their TV. That was the days when you could tap your neighbour's TV dish. The TV stations the neighbour subscribed to had adult stations. The parents in Family B never knew that about this station and so whenever they left the house, the 12 year old girl would put on the TV and voila it was real raw x-rated films. 
The children of both families had to play together and this led to Family B’s son who was about 8 years old (let’s call him DA) always wanting to play “Daddy and Mummy” with the girl from Family A (lets call her ML) who was about 6 years old.  This led to DA fondling, touching and doing all sorts with ML. He wanted to do everything “daddy and mummy” did. ML tried to ward off DA’s touches but never succeeded because he began to bully and threaten ML with words like I’ll never play with you again …..I’ll tell my sisters not to play with you. She couldn’t tell her parents because DA also did the same thing with his younger sister who was about 4 years. Infact, he fondled her breast with his right hand while sucking on his left thumb whenever he wants to sleep. ML thought since the elder sister never stopped him, it must be okay, however, she knew it wasn’t right and never felt comfortable though. She resigned herself to fate.
This dastardly act continued for 7 years till the little girl got addicted .  However, as fate would have it, the families moved to separate parts of the city and so this obscene act stopped.
However, this little girl had grown into a teenager and was addicted. She started sneaking to read her mum’s adult magazine (Hints, Hearts, Dauda the Sexy Guy, Ikebe super e.t.c). The magazines had graphic details on s*x. ML had to resort to masturbation because she needed those sensations. It was a part of her daily life. She needed it for survival. At about age 15years, one day she went on her knees and broke down in tears, cried to God and asked for help to stop this addiction. She knew it was wrong, she knew she was warped. She sought for help from God, knowing she couldn’t do it on her own. She was able to rise up from this addiction but one day about a year after the resolve to stop the porn and masturbation, the urge was so strong she plunged back in.
There was this time she thought it was a case of “spiritual husband”, that she was possessed ….but she knew better. Her innocence had been taken away even before she knew what it meant to be an “innocent child”.
In her mid teens, she miraculously survived two near cases of rape. At one point she had to report one of her supposed “uncles” to his friend who doubled as her mentor. His response was “it is not strange for a man to desire a woman. I therefore see no reason in my friend wanting you”. All through her teenage years she avoided men like a plague and gloried in pleasing herself by herself.
Twenty years after, ML is all grown up and married and hasn’t been able to stop porn and masturbation addiction.  No matter how good the s*x with her spouse is, she needs those touches to reach climax. She’s fighting real hard and though she relapses, she’s not giving up. She knows one day, she will stand tall and conquer this enemy that is warring against her soul.
This is a true life story that has never been shared with anyone except ML’s spouse.   The scars are real.  Child sexual molestation is real.  It needs to stop.  

*Please note that the children where often times together because after school the children of Family A had to stay with Family B until their lesson teacher came at about 4pm. During school sessions DA had unlimited access to ML from about 2pm and during the holidays from about noon till 4pm.
** Till date, ML wonders what happened to her brothers during those years. Did the elder sister of DAML ever molest them as well? It was so bad, she tried over the years to blank out her childhood from her memory, however, the scars in her heart are reminders of a past that has refused to stop haunting. recollects vividly a day she was barely 11 years then, she sprayed perfume “down there” to smell nice for …… and it hurt badly.

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